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Invitation to Sponsor

The APrIGF 2024 Local Host and TWIGF Host are delighted to extend an invitation for your participation in APrIGF 2024 and TWIGF 2024.

The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) is the key platform for facilitating discussion and partnerships on internet public policy issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The similar platform to bring a diverse multi-stakeholders together at the domestic level is the Taiwan Internet Governance Forum (TWIGF). APrIGF 2024, organized by the Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC), is scheduled to take place from August 20th to 23rd. It will be held jointly with TWIGF and is expected to feature keynote speakers from both domestic and international internet communities. The event anticipates attracting over 200 participants from more than 20 countries across the Asia-Pacific region.

We cordially invite you to consider sponsoring APrIGF & TWIGF 2024. Your support will play a crucial role in ensuring the success of these events and fostering the development of internet governance in the Asia-Pacific region and Taiwan. For further details, please review the attached Sponsorship Proposal and Booking Form.