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Wan-Ju Yeh

國立成功大學法律學系 副教授 / Associate Professor, Department of Law, National Cheng Kung University
國立成功大學安全健康永續發展研究中心 兼任研究員 / Research Fellow, Center for Security, Health, and Sustainable Development
國立成功大學當代人權暨公共事務研究中心 兼任研究員 / Research Fellow, Research Center for Contemporary Human Rights and Public Affairs
人工智慧法律國際研究基金會 兼任研究員 / Research Fellow, International Artificial Intelligence and Law Research Foundation

Ron Lee

APRALO Individual Members

Heather Adkins

VP Security Engineering, Google

Neeti Biyani

Executive Director, Tech Global Institute

Senior Analyst, Asia Internet Coalition