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Seiichi Kawamura

APAC Edge Network Strategy Lead, Global Network Infrastructure, Google

Director, Policy and External Engagement

Ron Kuo

南臺科技大學財經法律研究所 助理教授 / Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Financial and Economic Law, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
阿里巴巴集團國際隱私合規 高級專家 / Senior Expert in International Privacy Compliance at Alibaba Group
資策會產業情報研究所 產業顧問 / Industry Consultant at the Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC)

Hung-Yu Chuang

國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 副教授 / Associate Professor, Institute of Technology Management and Intellectual Property, National Cheng Chi University
西雅圖華盛頓大學法學院智慧財產研究中心 研究員 / Research Fellow, Center for Intellectual Property, School of Law, University of Washington, Seattle
國立政治大學電子計算機中心網路智慧財產權法 講師 / Lecturer in Internet Intellectual Property Law, Computer Center, National Chengchi University
專利代理人 / Patent Agent

Shao-Man Lee

國立成功大學敏求智慧運算學院 助理教授 / Assistant Professor, College of Computing, National Cheng Kung University
美國加州大學柏克萊分校東亞研究中心 訪問學人 / Visiting Scholar at the Center for East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley