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Navigating the Complex Terrain of Internet Intermediaries Liability and Online Frauds

22 August 2024



Panel Discussion


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the proliferation of online harmful content, particularly fraud, has become a pressing issue for policymakers and internet platforms alike. The existing principles governing internet intermediaries’ liability, such as the foundational CDA Section 230 in the United States, are increasingly being scrutinized and challenged. Policymakers around the globe are exploring new regulatory frameworks aimed at placing greater burdens and liabilities on internet platforms to mitigate these online harms. However, the effectiveness and consequences of such regulatory requirements remain subjects of significant debate. This panel seeks to delve into the intricate dynamics of how recent regulatory trends could incentivize platforms to tackle online harms, while simultaneously balancing the potential human rights violations that may arise from compulsory regulatory measures such as fines or network access restrictions. The discussion will be anchored around the central example of online fraud, serving as a representative case of harmful content that platforms must address.


  • Dr. Shun-Ling Chen, Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica


  • Jean-Jacques Sahel, Asia-Pacific Information Policy Lead, Google
  • Raman Jit Singh, Senior International Counsel and Asia Pacific Policy Director Global Cybersecurity Lead, Access Now
  • Dr. Hsin-Hsuan Lin, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, National Cheng Kung University
  • Dr. Seongmin Jeon, Associate Professor, School of Global Business & Entrepreneurship, Gachon University
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