Specific Issues for Discussion:
During an earthquake happen on April 3, 2024, at the local host of this year’s APrIGF event, here in Taiwan, there were more than 150 base station went out of service, based on National Communications Commission (NCC)’s record who manage the telecom operators, who also is responsible for regulating the development of the telecommunication and broadcasting industries.
With the high usage for cell phone, according to study based on 2023, there were more than 45 millions of registered number in use, the unique user for cell phone is about 30 millions, consider the population of 23 millions, every person has average of 1.94 numbers. Among all the mobile users, 7 millions are using 5G.
What do you do when an earthquake strikes? who did Taiwan do? with a quick recovery rate for the base stations, Taiwan was consider very resilience, the critical infrastructure who monitor and manage the mobile network, the fix line network and sea cable was able to maintain a reliable state after the quick fix from the telecommunication. The Government Service Network was able to perform normally to serve the citizens in Taiwan.
We will use this session to discuss what exactly happened? what did the different stake holders contribute in a disaster like this, we like to share this experience, and also have Pacific speakers to comment and share their experience for incidents like this so we all can work on stabilize the one world one internet!