Day 0 Aug. 20 Tue. | ||
Time | TWIGF | |
9:00-9:30 | 報到/ Registration | |
9:30-10:50 | 安全與韌性Security & Resilience 主持人Moderator:黃勝雄Kenny Huang 講者Speaker:Charles Mok |
10:50-11:10 | 休息時間/ Tea Break | |
11:10-12:30 | 地緣政治與網際網路Geopolitics & Internet 主持人Moderator:Charles Mok 講者Speakers:曾更瑩Ken-ying Tseng |
12:30-13:30 | 午餐時間/ Lunch | |
13:30-14:50 | 歐洲的 GDPR 及資料保護法規GDPR and Data Protection Regulations in Europe 講者Speaker:Chester Soong |
14:50-15:10 | 休息時間/ Tea Break | |
15:10-16:30 | 亞太地區的數位文明Digital Civilization in Asia-Pacific 講者Speaker:Jun Murai |
16:30- | 活動圓滿結束/ Closing |
Day 3 Aug. 23 Fri. | ||
Time | TWIGF | |
會議室 | 301 | 401 |
9:00-9:30 | 報到/ Registration | |
9:30-10:40 | 從長期培育到積極參與:台灣在全球網路治理中的實踐策略 From Long-term Cultivation to Active Participation: Taiwan’s Practical Strategies in Global Internet Governance (財團法人台灣網路資訊中心/ TWNIC) | 數位基本法: 由下而上打造數位人權與永續韌性 Digital Basic Law: Building Digital Rights and Sustainable Resilience from the Bottom Up (民間司法改革基金會/ Judicial Reform Foundation) |
10:40-10:50 | 休息時間/ Tea Break | |
10:50-12:00 | 個資保護權利實踐:國王的新衣?AI發展的鎧甲! The Exercise of Data Protection Rights:Emperor’s New Clothes or the Armor of AI Development (台灣人權促進會/ Taiwan Association for Human Rights) | 開源社群如何促進韌性網路的發展:開放政府、環境監測、媒體識讀 How Open Source Communities Promote the Development of Resilient Networks: Open Government, Environmental Monitoring, and Media Literacy (社團法人台灣數位外交協會/ Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association) |
12:00-13:30 & 12:10-13:20 | 午餐時間/ Lunch 【4F Lobby】 & 短講時間/ Lightning Talk【402C】 | |
13:30-14:40 | 「中介責任」-如果網路平台對內容負責,這是否會帶來更好的網路治理? Intermediary Liability: Would Holding Internet Platforms Accountable for Content Lead to Better Internet Governance? (CSC) | 數位審查工具與民主 Digital Censoring Tools and Democracy (Software Freedom Law Center, India) *英文場次 / English Speaking |
14:40-14:50 | 休息時間/ Tea Break | |
14:50-16:00 | 網際網路基礎設施之韌性 Resilience of the Internet’s network infrastructure (Google) *英文場次 / English Speaking | 臺灣兒少網路安全的現況與未來展望:多方利益害關係人的共同努力 Current Status and Future Prospects of Internet Safety for Children and Adolescents in Taiwan: Collaborative Efforts of Multiple Stakeholders (網中智庫股份有限公司/ NETalent) |
16:00-16:10 | 休息時間/ Tea Break | |
16:10-17:20 | *(名稱待定)公平信賴下演算法治理的多重法律思維-正義哲學、公平競爭、治理轉型與課責機制 (國立成功大學人文社會科學中心&理律法律事務所/ National Cheng Kung University & Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law ) | 災難事件期間網路基礎設施的韌性與復原能力 Resilience and Recovery of Internet Infrastructure During Disaster Events (財團法人台灣網路資訊中心/ TWNIC) |
17:20-17:40 | 閉幕式/ Closing |