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Lucio Blanco Pitlo III

Lucio Blanco Pitlo III

Research Fellow, Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation

Lucio Blanco Pitlo III is a foreign affairs and security analyst with deep grounding on the Asia-Pacific. He has over two decades of work experience in the private, public, university and think-tank settings. He was engaged in academic and policy-relevant research, multi-stakeholder interface, consultancy and teaching. He had attended and delivered remarks in numerous academic and Track 2 conferences on security and geopolitics in the region. He obtained my Bachelor’s degree on Public Administration and Graduate Studies on Asian Studies from the University of the Philippines, Master of Laws degree from Peking University and Graduate Studies on Defense, Diplomacy and Development from American University. His commentaries and op-ed pieces on maritime security, Philippine and Southeast Asian regional affairs appear in Asia Times, China-US Focus, CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, South China Morning Post and The Diplomat, among others.