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[Side Event] Deliberative Democracy Workshop on Polarization and Misinformation

[Side Event] Deliberative Democracy Workshop on Polarization and Misinformation

The Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab, Stanford Global Digital Policy Incubator and FNF Global Innovation Lab in Taipei are excited to offer this Deliberative Democracy Workshop on Polarization and Misinformation on Day 0 at APrIGF

Date: August 20th
Time: 14:30 to 17:30
Location: NTUH Int’l Convention Center, Conference Room 101
Register for FREE here: https://forms.gle/waMCpyizmuVGJ7XM8

The three goals of this Workshop are:
#1 Discuss and evaluate critical policy proposals to address polarization and misinformation. Organizers will share in advance materials from industry, government, and civil society. 
#2 Engage participants in a Deliberative Polling exercise. Participants will engage in small group discussions with trained facilitators and pose questions to an expert Q&A panel.
#3 Discuss and share how deliberative methods could be used to address polarization and misinformation. Organizers will share past collaborations with industry, government, and civil society as ways to think about future collaborations. 

We look forward to engaging with all of you and sharing ways to collaborate with our AI-assisted Stanford Online Deliberation Platform.

We look forward to seeing you in Taipei!
