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Reflecting on the Success of APrIGF and Looking Forward to Nepal

Reflecting on the Success of APrIGF and Looking Forward to Nepal

Thank you for joining the discussion on hot Internet governance topics in the Asia-Pacific region. As the local host, TWNIC is glad to share the highlights and express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible success of this year’s Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF). The event was a testament to the power of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and community spirit.

A Vibrant Gathering

This year’s APrIGF has 1060 registrations, and brought together over 671 physical participants and 1674 online participations from diverse sectors, including academia, civil society, government, youth and the private sector. Among those registered, the event achieved excellent gender balance: approximately 49% male, 46% female, and 5% identifying as non-binary or preferring not to say.

The forum featured more than 57 sessions, each delving into critical topics related to Internet governance. We were privileged to have participants from over 63 countries, each bringing unique insights and perspectives to the table. You may find event photos on TWNIC’s Flickr.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our deepest thanks to all participants, session organizers, and speakers. Your active engagement and valuable contributions were the driving force behind the forum’s success. The overall satisfaction score from the survey was 4.32 out of 5. You can check the aprigf.tw website to watch the session recordings and provide comments to the synthesis documents.

Looking Ahead to Nepal

As we celebrate the success of this year’s APrIGF, we are excited to announce that the next forum will be held in Nepal. We look forward to your continued support and participation in making the next APrIGF another memorable and enriching experience.

Thank you once again for being a part of this journey. Together, we are shaping the future of Internet governance in the Asia-Pacific region. See you in Nepal!
