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[Side Event] GDIP to hold Connected Resilience workshop on APrIGF Day 0

[Side Event] GDIP to hold Connected Resilience workshop on APrIGF Day 0

This year’s Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) theme is “Evolving Ecosystems, Enduring Principles: Shaping Responsible Internet Governance”. In line with this, the Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP) is delighted to host a workshop on “Connected Resilience: Gendered Experiences of Meaningful Connectivity” as part of the event’s agenda.

The workshop will delve into the findings of the Connected Resilience research, which offers insights into the gendered experiences of meaningful connectivity amidst the global pandemic. By exploring the challenges and opportunities in achieving gender digital inclusion, the workshop aims to inform policy decisions and foster collaborative efforts towards more equitable and resilient digital ecosystems.

The workshop will be a 2.5-hour interactive session, allowing ample time for presentations, discussions, and participant engagement. Register now to secure your spot.

The workshop is designed to bring together a diverse audience, including policymakers, business leaders, civil society representatives, researchers, and individuals passionate about digital inclusion. Stakeholders from various sectors and backgrounds will have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and insights to this action-focused discussion and knowledge-sharing workshop.


  • Onica N. Makwakwa, GDIP Executive Director
  • Ingrid Brudvig, GDIP Senior Research Manager
  • Margaret Nyambura Ndung’u, GDIP Senior Research Manager
  • Doreen Bogdan-Martin, ITU Secretary-General [video message]
  • Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, former Executive Director of UN Women [video message]
  • Lisa Garcia, Foundation for Media Alternatives (Philippines)
  • Jenny Sulfath, Digital Empowerment Foundation (India)
  • More speakers to be announced soon

Date: 20 August 2024 (APrIGF Day 0)

Time: 9 am (Taipei)

Format: In-person

Location: Meeting Room 203, NTUH International Convention Center

Register now to secure your spot.
